result is out....
but the result is not as i expected...
although i noe that it's difficult to achieved..
but. it got hope before i take my final...
but all my effect is wasted...
coz wat i study is those difficult one..
as i predict it will come out..
but facts is they come out those easy de....
so i DUNNO how to do it......
coz i just really study before the final..
my basic is weak...
mayb this is my weakness....
coz not really satisfied with my final marks...
so i go meet with all my lecturer....
**is to recheck my final paper... not ask for give up the grade...

my final is sucks... coz the last 2 question dunno how to do... haiz... should not just fully depend on the tips,,, after meet with lecturer.. he say.. "see see la".. probability up is quite low...
2nd Machine Component Design. 67-->70mark, B+
my final lot of careless.... unit careless.. substitution careless and etc.. so that... my carry mark 44/50 also cannot get A.... after meet with him.. really got some can add marks.. so finally.. i up 1 grade...
3rd.. solid.. 75 marks.. A-
not planning can up a grade for this.. but just go ther meet with my lecturer.. ahhah.. but a bit disappointed also coz cannot get A..
4th.. Engineering Design..75-->77marks.. A-
haha. also not planing can up for a grade.. but curious about the marking scheme.. so go meet meet him... act it's easy... coz.. all those drawing also get full marks.. hehehe... at last still can detect some mistake... so.. increse 2marks.. but.. i think still cannot up for 1 grade..
5th.. Computer Aided Engineering... B.
one of the sad subject here.. but the lecturer BALIK KAMPUNG ADY!!! but this so low coz my carry mark is low la.....
6th.. Lab.. A
suprise i can get A.. hahahah..
every sem also say the same thing....
but i still have to repeat back..
haha.. hope that i can do it...
This year DEAN LIST MISSION failed..
next year.. DEAN LIST.. u are mine !
how to calculate ur pointer???
here is the method.. click here to visit the link

Ouch can ask lecturer to upgrade gred eh?
is to ask recheck the paper la.. heheh... not up the grade...
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