today went pusat komputer UTeM early morning around 9 something..
to upgrade my computer...
this is because feel that...
1. vista is boring
2. my system is quite lag ady.. *install too much thing and didnt well manage those application
3. my laptop is very messy
4. heard that window 7 is better
5. it is free while i still a UTeM student...
6. all is ORIGINAL... haha

so planned for a long time..
finally decide to go...
at 1st...
fill in a form..

then can get a window 7 CD..
then can start to install the window 7..

after wait wait and wait...
i think no long la.. less than 1 hour..
it is DONE !!
then 2nd software to install is..
microsoft office professional plus 2010....

after installed.. then try to see inside a while..
not much difference from office 2007...
so i think i still can handle it easily la..
then next...
is microsoft visual studio...
or so call computer programming..

act this took me a long long time.. i think 1 hour plus to install this..
pity.. luckily i "harry potter-ing" while waiting..
if not sure boring x infinity.. haha..
total spend less than few hour in pusat komputer..
compare give them RM25 installation for window, RM10 for Ms Office..
it's worthy.. =)
coz of time constraint..
still got microsoft visio and microsoft project haven install..
install next time ba.. haha...
beside still got on9 search for few software...
i heard that anti virus the microsoft security essential is nice...
so download and install it ady....
but then.. still need somemore..
like my CATIA, MATLAB, Photoshop, Video Studio and etc etc haven install....
tonight gonna spend whole night on my laptop..
btw.. 1st use window 7.. it's FAST.. like it...

by t@t...
hey,boon tat..tat means u din pay them any money n instal it urself oni?the window 7 cd they giv u geh o after instal,hv 2 giv it bek geh?
they just borrow u.. u must install in pusat komputer. cannot bring back. haha
oic..tat means u instal urself,no nid pay them any money?
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