before go harry potter movie.. go secret recipe for dinner..
jusco secret recipe damn cha..
order watermelon juice.. all those seed still inside..
order orange juice.. the orange like those keep for a long time...
order tom yam gung.. then give tom yam.. and it is not HOT..
conclusion.. the jusco secret recipe is SUCKS !!

then go for harry potter 7...
act i totally forger wat is the previous 6 episode's story..
so got a bit blur.. haha..
the story line quite boring actually... coz lot of talking..
but overall still satisfied with it la..
harry porter 7 part 2..
i think all those excited scene will be ther...
wanna go watch it !!

by t@t...
ohno why all become english haha
HAHAHA.... coz lazy type chinese ma.. haha.. later la.. planning to write an article using chinese... i think next year la.. hehe...
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