coz before this i search in gps... cannot search the bangunan parlimen...
at last only no that parlimen in english is parliament..

1st time visit parliament building..

1st time saw dewan rakyat debate...
quite funny ya..
overall program is as expected ~ boring..
coz lot of the input (talk) carry on during the seminar..
and me not paying attention on that.
mayb almost over the MPP term...
so something like MPP holiday mood also..
OMG.. haha....

but got 1 thing that we didnt do...
we should go check it out..
which place is that bocor air de place..
hahaa... famous parlimen fill with water de news... hiak hiak hiak...

then back cheras my sister house...
damn sleeping.. yesterday night didnt zzz... wanna zzz soon....
sweet dream.
by t@t...
1 comment:
Hey, I am checking this blog using the phone and this appears to be kind of odd. Thought you'd wish to know. This is a great write-up nevertheless, did not mess that up.
- David
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