just finish yesterday..
damn tired..
act yesterday organize not really good..
coz not much preparation done by me..
just go pasar pagi shopping at early morning..
then go to tesco then evening go back prepare a bit.
then at night go tesco again to buy anything that not enough..
when my fren reach... act many have done..
the steamboat soup.. coz they wanna add something..
the bbq... coz the stove still havem come.
and my fren still wanna fried something like wantan and tempura "gu"...
so when my fren reach then all of us prepare together...
they go to fried.. go to cut watermelon.. and many many stuff...
until 9.++pm only can eat.. haha..
the most late party that they start to eat.. haha...
then at the night we also help pei yin and chip to celebrate their birthday..
then at night a few fren stay at my house and watch horror movie..
but the movie damn boring...
act i prefer zzz than watch that..
then we go back on the next day morning..
and i miss the krs meeting coz my fren not wake up in the morning..
so i cannot go....
and in the evening...i also not going to kampar ady..
coz... lazy..
coz i got no car recently..
so have to take bus go kampar..
then thanks to my fren for coming oh.
and must thanks a lot to them which help me to clean up my house after the party...
for those not coming...
also nvm la... later see those photo oh>>
let u all jealous..
see u all ya>>
by t@t...